Wednesday, November 27, 2019

TGMG 231 The (Other) Top American Books - Lost Episode

"On the go!" - Big Anklevich

"This is the worst episode we've ever done." - Rish Outfield

In March of 2017, Big and I recorded this episode during a road trip, and I thought it turned out so poorly that I never released it.* But at the same time, I never deleted the file.

Well, I decided to listen to it the last time I went camping, and after the first ten minutes or so, I decided it might be entertaining, at least to me and Big. So, here is Big and me discussing the books that shaped America. At least, the books after the most important ones.

Whether you agree with the list, and our thoughts about the books on it, I'm sure we can all agree . . . that the sound DEFINITELY makes the episode unlistenable.

Download the episode by right-clicking HERE and choosing save link or target as.

*Also, the audio quality is slightly worse than terrible.

Monday, October 14, 2019

That Gets My Goat 230: Lost & Frowned

When Rish went into a bookstore and saw Orson Scott Card's new book "Lost and Found" on the shelf, he thought, "Hey, I wrote a story called that once." But when he read the description of the book, he thought, "Hey, I wrote a story with that plot once."

Just that week, he had started work on a sequel, but now he wondered what the point was. What does Big say? What do you say? What might Orson Scott Card say?

Download the episode by right-clicking HERE and choosing save link or target as.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

TGMG 229: Bumblebee Or B Minus

Yeah, it happened. Rish broke down and saw a Bayverse Transformers movie.

But don't worry, Big Anklevich still has his integrity.

Download the episode by right-clicking HERE and choosing save link or target as.

Friday, August 23, 2019

TGMG 228: Spider-Man MCU No More

Uh oh, Mommy and Daddy are fighting again. What will poor Peter Parker do? Sony and Disney have failed to come to an agreement on Spider-man, and now Sony says it's going to walk away, take their ball and go home, and Spider-man will no longer be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What does that mean? Can things possibly still work out? And if they don't, is there any hope for Spider-man? We talk about those questions and more on Today's That Gets My Goat.

Download the episode by right-clicking HERE and choosing save link or target as.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

TGMG 227: Spider-man: Far From Done Talking

This may be our longest--and latest?--episode yet, wherein we discuss SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME, its spoilers, and its implications.

It should have been done long ago (and perhaps split into multiple shows), but Rish wasn't able to get to it until now. We assure you he'll be much quicker in getting you their review of the recent LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT, starring Lon Chaney and Marceline Day.

Download the episode by right-clicking HERE and choosing save link or target as.

TGMG 226: Killjoy Story

Big and Rish get together in the flesh(!) to talk about TOY STORY 4.

Which one didn't want to go see it? Which one hates the Disney live-action remakes more? Which one actually liked one of them? Which one can do a Keanu Reeves impression? Which one brings up STAR WARS first? Which one actually likes sequels? Which one can remember the name of the next Pixar film? Which one is sick of the MCU's box office record-breaking? Which one is upset by the LITTLE MERMAID remake's casting? And which one was made terribly sad by the ending of TOY STORY 4?

If you'd like to download the episode, Pop right HERE with your mouse.

Monday, June 10, 2019

TGMG 225: Pops Go The World

In a throwback episode to when these shows were used to complain, Rish bends Big's ear about Pop Vinyls (or Funko Pops). Does Rish compare Pop collectors to Star Wars collectors? Does Big own any Pop Vinyls? Does Rish?

If so, does that make him a hypocrite? You be the judge.

If you'd like to download the episode, Pop right HERE with your mouse.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

That Gets My Goat 224: Avengers Endzone

Continuing where we left off, Big, Rish, and Renee discuss AVENGERS: ENDGAME, and its ramifications (and spoilers).

It's the episode that totally burned out Renee Chambliss's voice, kids!

If you'd like to download this episode, just Right-Click HERE.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

That Gets My Goat 223: Avengers Endtable

Rish 'n Big get together to talk about (and spoil) AVENGERS: ENDGAME. It's the discussion too big for one episode . . . and too big for just us to talk about!

Meaning, Renee Chambliss joins us to chat about the film as well. Who's your favorite Avenger?

If you'd like to download this episode, just Right-Click HERE.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

That Gets My Goat 222: Muscle Shazam

Big and Rish talk about the newest DC Comics film adaptation SHAZAM! Was it too silly? Was it too horrifying? Where did he get that frilly cape? And how many times can Gomer Pyle say the magic word?

If you'd like to download this episode, just Right-Click HERE.

Friday, April 5, 2019

That Gets My Goat 221: The Bigg Apple

Big's vagabond shoes are longing to stray, so he regales Rish (and you) with details of his recent trip to New York City. He checks out the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Ellis Island, the Flatiron Building, the Place Where They Keep The CHUDs, the subway (oops already said that), the Empire State Building, the 9/11 Memorial, and Broadway (twice!).

If you'd like to download this episode, just Right-Click HERE.

*No, Big doesn't spell his name with an extra g, as I'm well aware. But thanks for reminding me.

Oh, and while you've got me in a bad mood, sit down and listen to this episode like a lady or gentleman. We've worked damned hard for you over the years, providing entertainment that's, for all intents and purposes, free . . . you owe us this one.

Unless you've donated to the show or support me on Patreon. In which case, you're off the hook. Just barely.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

That Gets My Goat 220: Cap'n Mar-vell

It's time for more Marvel Studios, kids. This time Big 'n Rish saw CAPTAIN MARVEL.

Was it Crap(tain)? Or was it Marvel(ous)? Okay, that wasn't great. But you try naming these things, week after week. See what it does to you.

Download this episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

That Gets My Goat 219: Can We Fix It? (Part II)

So, not content with the first hour, Big and Rish ask about more franchises, like Terminator, Universal Monsters, Highlander, John Carter, and the DCEU. Can they be fixed, Bob?

Download this episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

That Gets My Goat 218: Can We Fix It? (Part I)

Remember Bob the Builder asking, "Can we fix it?" in every episode? Well, today Rish and Big ask the same musical question, regarding the Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Transformers franchises.

Watch (in horror) as Rish says something positive about the Prequels and Big refuses to take his own daughter to the movies. Oh wait, it's a podcast, guess you won't be watching anything. Can you fix it?

Download this episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

TGMG 217: Who Gives A Goat About Glass

or "The Cautionary Tale of M. Night Shyamalan."

Big and Rish talk about--spoilers!--GLASS, the sequel(ish) of UNBREAKABLE and SPLIT.  But Rish doesn't even care if you see it.  Do you?

Download this episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

That Gets My Goat 216: Spider-verse, Same As the First

Rish Outfield, world's biggest Spider-man fan (or maybe it's world's biggest Bossk fan, maybe you should just ignore that statement), and Big Anklevich, world's biggest waist, got together (virtually) to talk about the new Spider-man animated feature film called SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE. Did they like the film? Did they like the animation style? Did Big Anklevich continually use annoying phrases like, "second verse, same as the first," over and over again? Find out know, listening to the show.

Download this episode by Right-Clicking HERE.